Getting your PR for Australia – Tips for international students

Home/International Students, Migration, Student Visa/Getting your PR for Australia – Tips for international students

PR – Permanent Residency for Australia, represents a goal in itself for many international students that come to Australia to study. Even if they don’t admit it upfront, most international students would love to find a legal way to stay in Australia on a more permanent visa. To help them plan, we compiled a quick Top 10 tips for International Students for 2013 since Migration Regulations have changed significantly lately.

1. Skills Assessment

The first step for most General Skilled Migration – GSM applicants is to decide which occupation to nominate and pass the skills assessment in. The criteria for skills assessment are different for each occupation and rely in general on qualifications, work experience, English language ability, registration or a combination of all of the above. If possible, the best choice is to nominate an occupation on the Skills Occupations List (SOL).

There are only an approximate number of 190 occupations on the SOL, but if you can pass the skills assessment in an SOL occupation, you can potentially apply for any General Skilled Migration visa. Next best thing is to pass the skills assessment in a Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List (CSOL).

There are over 600 occupations on the CSOL, giving you a much wider range of occupations. However, if your occupation is not on the SOL, you will need to have sponsorship by either a State or Territory Government, or an employer.

2. Know how SkillSelect works

All applicants for permanent or provisional GSM visas must pass through the SkillSelect system. Under the SkillSelect system, applicants must first lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI), and receive an invitation from the Department of Immigration before they can make an application for a GSM visa.

Prior to lodging an EOI, it is highly recommended you complete skills assessment and English Language Testing. For independent and family sponsored applicants, all EOIs are ranked by points score, then by date of lodgement of the EOI.

Every two weeks, the Department of Immigration issues invitations to the highest ranked applicants via an automated process. For state nominated applicants, an invitation is issued automatically by the system as soon as the state or territory government completes the nomination.

To receive an invitation, you must meet the passmark for the skilled migration points test (currently 60 points). For every occupational grouping, a maximum number of invitations is set for each financial year (1 July to 30 June). Once this limit is met, no further invitations can be issued for that financial year. In the 2012-2013 financial year, a number of IT and engineering disciplines hit the occupational ceiling and the signs for 2013-2014 financial year for these occupations will be met even faster.

3. Graduate temporary visas

Graduate Temporary (subclass 485) visas give you an extra 18 months or more to work and live in Australia after your studies. There are two streams of Graduate Temporary Visa:

  • Graduate Work: an 18 month visa which requires applicants to pass skills assessment in an occupation on the SOL
  • PostStudy Work: lasts between 2 years (for people graduating with a Bachelor degree or a Master degree) to 4 years (for doctorate holders). Does not require skills assessment, but is only available to students who applied for their first student visa after to 5 November 2011.

Both streams require applicants to have completed a qualification taking at least 2 academic years of study in Australia and to have at least competent English (IELTS of 6.0 or more in all 4 components). Whilst in Australia on a graduate skilled visa, you can work full time and have study work rights also.

Having a graduate skilled visa can be very handy for international students because of the following factors:

  • Obtaining extra points for study, work, professional year or doing further English testing
  • Better prospects of obtaining sponsorship by an employer
  • ability to move interstate to increase chances of obtaining state nomination
  • Bridging visa after completion of studies to facilitate lodgement of a GSM visa

4. Get nominated by a State

An international student can use a state nomination in his advantage for many reasons:

  • Extra Points: 5 for sponsorship to live in a metropolitan area and 10 to live in a regional area
  • Wider List of Occupations: students can nominate any occupation on the CSOL rather than the shorter SOL
  • SkillSelect Priority: students obtain an invitation as soon as the state or territory government completes the nomination, rather than having to wait for the fortnightly automated invitation rounds

NSW greatly expanded their state nomination program in 2012-2013, including a wide range of occupations, reducing the work experience and English language requirements. Other states and territories tend to require students to have studied in the area and/or have a job offer there.

There are two GSM visas which states and territories can nominate for:

  • Skilled – Nominated Subclass 190: a permanent visa, allowing you to live anywhere in the state or territory
  • Skilled – Regional Provisional Subclass 489: a 4-year provisional visa, requiring you to live and work in a regional area for 2 years to obtain permanent residence

5. English Language Ability

All GSM visas require at least competent English (6 or more in each of the 4 components of IELTS).

One of the best ways to improve your chances of qualifying for general skilled migration is to achieve a level of English higher than competent English.

If you can obtain a score of 7 or more in each component of the IELTS , or a “B Pass” in the Occupational English Test, this will give you 10 points. A score of 8 or more in each component of IELTS, or an “A Pass” in the OET will give you 20 points – with this level of English, it is difficult for an international student not to achieve a passing score in the points test.

We recommend that you undertake IELTS preparation courses. The IELTS test is not just about how well you communicate in English – understanding how the test works is also very important.

6. Work Experience Points

Up to 20 points are available for work experience. Work experience up to 10 years old can be counted, and both work experience in Australia and overseas can be counted.

For example, if you have worked prior to studying in Australia, your work experience might give you some points.

To be able to use your work experience for migration purposes, it must meet the following criteria:

  • Closely Related: only work experience in your occupation, or closely related skilled occupation, can be counted for points
  • Post Qualification: work experience must be after completion of the relevant entry level qualification. This would generally be a bachelor degree, diploma or trade certificate depending on your occupation. Work whilst studying in Australia would not count, unless you had already completed an entry level qualification in your home country prior to studying here
  • At least 20 hours per week: only weeks where you have worked for at least 20 hours can count as skilled
  • In compliance with visa conditions: if you have breached visa conditions (e.g. by breaching the 40 hours per fortnight student visa condition 8105), your work experience will not count.

7. Study in Australia

Completing qualifications in Australia can assist greatly in meeting the pass mark. For example:

  • 2 Academic Years: if you complete a qualification taking at least 2 academic years of study in Australia, this will give you 5 points and open the possibility of obtaining a Graduate Temporary Visa
  • Degree Level or Higher Qualification: many SOL occupations require a degree for skills assessment. Completing a degree or higher in Australia is also necessary for the Post Study Work stream of the Graduate Temporary Visa.
  • Professional Year: professional years are available for Accounting, Engineering and IT students. Students can complete a combination of classroom and on-the-job training after completion of their main course, generally whilst holding a Graduate Temporary Visa. This provides 5 extra points, as well as an English language concession for Accounting students.
  • Regional Study: students completing 2 years of study in a regional campus receive 5 extra points. This also gives better access to state nomination opportunities for states and territories which require studies to be completed locally (eg. Northern Territory)

8. Employer Sponsorship

Many students find employer sponsorship a good alternative to General Skilled Migration – in general there is no skills assessment requirement, a wider range of occupations (CSOL) and a lower English requirement than General Skilled Migration. The main options are:

  • 457 Temporary Work (Skilled): this ia a 4 -year visa which requires a 5 in IELTS and minimum salary of $53 900. Employers need to meet financial and training requirements to be able to sponsor
  • Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS): this is a permanent visa which most 457 visa holders will become eligible for after holding their 457 for two years. It is possible to apply directly for ENS providing you pass skills assessment and have at least 3 years of work experience in your occupation
  • Regional Skilled Migration Scheme (RSMS): this is a permanent visa requiring a job offer in a regional area of Australia. Students can in general qualify directly for this option without needing skills assessment or to first hold a 457 visa.

Many more students are using the employer sponsored options than previously, and the RSMS option is a particularly attractive one for students willing to look for work outside the major capital cities.

9. Get your Bridging Visa Right

Bridging visas can be a particularly tricky area for international students – getting this wrong can mean that you could end up being in Australia illegally.

Below are some of the most important things about bridging visas:

  • Lodging an Expression of Interest does not give you a bridging visa: you do not receive a bridging visa until you have received an invitation and lodge your GSM application
  • Most students will not have enough time to lodge a GSM application prior to expiry of their student visa: as a result, many opt to apply for either a further student visa or a Graduate Temporary visa to maintain their status in Australia whilst they prepare for their GSM application
  • Overseas travel: Overseas travel is possible whilst on a bridging visa. However, you will need to apply for a Bridging Visa B prior to your travel. This involves payment of a fee and you will need to explain the reason for your travel.
  • Work Rights: students in general get full work rights on their bridging visas whilst awaiting the outcome of their GSM application

10. Keep up to date

Australian Immigration Law is constantly changing. The following resources may assist in keeping on top of the changes:

  • SkillSelect Websiteupdates on EOI invitation rounds
  • Migration Blog: updates on changes to immigration laws
  • ComLaw: migration legislation and updates
  • Procedures Advice manual: the Department of Immigration’s policy manual, not publicly available
  • State Migration Plans: each state and territory government produces a list of occupations in demand in their area
  • Skills Assessment Authorities: each skills assessment authority has their own criteria. We recommend that you monitor the site for your occupation to pick up any changes

HELLO AUSSIE STUDENT SERVICES provides a series of resources for international students to keep on top of the changes, for instance:

* Curtesy to Acacia Immigration Australia
* The information in this blog post is not current. Please seek accredited migration advice specific to your case.

About the Author:

Stefan is passionate about promoting Australia and New Zealand as study destinations. He is the Director of HELLO AUSSIE STUDENT SERVICES, an education agency with offices in Melbourne (Australia), Sofia (Bulgaria) and Cluj Napoca (Romania).


  1. Navneet Kaur November 6, 2016 at 10:58 PM - Reply

    Hi, This is Navneet. My husband did bachelor of agriculture from nmit. He got a sponsor from salad farm in regional area. We are worried about nominating the position in agriculture. Are you able to help with this.

    • STEFAN STINEAN November 9, 2016 at 4:00 AM - Reply

      Hi Navneet,

      Thank you for your question. Happy to recommend you to an immigration agent. I’ll send you a private email.


  2. Ali January 18, 2017 at 7:38 PM - Reply

    Hi sir
    I am ali, sir i have an overseas degree in telecommunication engineering without experience and now i am doing masters in professional accounting can you please tell me what is the best way to get the pr on fast pace and tell me can i lodge two individual case for pr one in engineering and one in accounting and one last thing what is the maximum points to reach to get pr on fast track because on 60 points are not enough to become a perminant resident please donot recommend any lwayer or conslatant thanks

  3. John June 2, 2017 at 12:36 PM - Reply

    Hii There my name is john and I’m going to undertake a bachelor’s degree in project management in sydney australia from university of sydney which is for 3 yrs so will i be eligible for applying for PR after completion of my course (after 3 yrs)

    • STEFAN STINEAN June 28, 2017 at 4:14 AM - Reply

      Hi John,

      Thanks for reaching out. Applying for a permanent visa is a complex matter, so I suggest contacting an accredited migration agent to answer complex questions like this one. Good luck with your project!

  4. Aay Kay August 13, 2017 at 6:36 PM - Reply

    Hi Stefan,

    Please let me know can i apply for Study visa after lodging EOI for 190 visa ?

    Does DIBP Australia allow me Study visa ?

    Thnaks, Regards
    Aay Kay

  5. Supriya September 28, 2017 at 7:11 AM - Reply

    Hi Stefan,

    I would be graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Arts, major psychology by Dec, 2017. I wish to get a PR. I need an advise on how to go about. There are various options. I was thinking to apply for post-study work visa. However, I am not sure if I am qualified for that. Meaning, I am an international student who started off in a university in Bangkok for 2 years, and then I came to Brisbane to study for 1.5 year. I would be getting 2 bachelor degrees science and art from Bangkok and Brisbane respectively. The qualification for applying for a post-study visa is to have 2 academic year of study, whereas I have 1.5 year. Now is my degree accountable alone, or does the time length of 2 year full-time study matter? Secondly, if I were to do an additional 6 months course of attaining a graduate certificate in business, would that fulfill the requirement of 2 year academic study? Also, if I get graduate certificate in business do I have to be concerned about being skilled in a category of General Skilled Migration? Or is there any other way to simplify my case? Looking forward to receive your genuine advise rather than a lawyer.

    Thank you,


  6. Binny October 14, 2017 at 10:58 AM - Reply

    Hi i am binny , my sister wants to co.e australia on student visa , just wondering can i sponser her after she finish her study ? I am Australian citizens,

  7. Roy November 23, 2017 at 6:48 AM - Reply

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  8. Sriz January 2, 2018 at 11:04 PM - Reply

    Hi Can I study while I am on my 485 visa if yes what is tuition fee cost ?

  9. Amitava Deb January 17, 2018 at 5:48 AM - Reply

    A very comprehensive post on the PR visa pathways to Australia for overseas students. Australia has always been an education destination for international students and the education degrees and work experience are recognised world over. The immigration policies keep changing to meet the current economic needs of the country and hence people applying for PR and other visas have to be abreast with latest developments in immigration policies.
    I gladly congratulate your efforts Stefan. Very helpful post.

    • STEFAN STINEAN March 23, 2018 at 1:07 AM - Reply

      Thank you Amitava. 🙂 The information is not current, as the post was written back in 2013 and, as you would be aware, things have changed considerably when it comes to migrating to Australia.

  10. Ramandeep kaur March 9, 2018 at 12:20 PM - Reply

    Hello sir
    I am ramandeep kaur. I am student of master of businesses administration in 1st session and I want to know the pr chances in that course. Please suggest me what is the right opportunity for me.

  11. Muhammad March 20, 2018 at 1:38 PM - Reply

    What is the required point for the Bachelor of IT graduates for the application of permanent residency??

    • STEFAN STINEAN March 23, 2018 at 1:09 AM - Reply

      Hi Muhammad,,

      Given the fact that Australia permanent visa applications are complex matters, I suggest seeking accredited migration agent advice. A good migration agent is worth his weight in gold.

      Wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

  12. minon March 22, 2018 at 11:55 AM - Reply

    I’m an international student looking to study a double degree in accounting and my campus is in Melbourne.i have completed cima qualification as well.I’m 23years old and I have to study for 2.5years to complete this degree.will I be able to obtain pr if I work on post study work permits and I have no any work experience till date.please help me.thank you.

    • STEFAN STINEAN March 23, 2018 at 1:06 AM - Reply

      Hello. Applying for a permanent visa for Australia is a complex matter, therefore we suggest seeking appropriate advice from an accredited migration agent. A good migration agent can seat down with you and can build a roadmap for you so you know where you are going and how to get there. Happy to recommend some good migration agents, so please get in touch with us at Cheers!

  13. Manpreet Kaur March 30, 2018 at 3:29 AM - Reply

    Hey! I’m manpreet recently come from India I doing diploma of business now a days in melbourne Australia but I’m thinking to change my course but I don’t understand which course is better for me in future to get pr easily. .

    • STEFAN STINEAN March 30, 2018 at 10:19 PM - Reply

      Dear Manpreet,

      Thank you for reaching out. We are more than happy to assist with your plans. I’ve just sent you an email to the email address you left for us.

      Looking forwards to hearing from you.

      Thank you

  14. Deekshita April 9, 2018 at 4:55 AM - Reply

    My name is deekshita completed my bachelors in pharmacy and currently enrolled in a university majoring in masters of biotechnology managment. As i want to change my major to masters in public health which is not provided by my university. The transfer process to different university would take 6 months for my current university to release my information and this is leading to a gap untill next march. My question is if i change my university and start from march 2019 will that effect my PR chances as i am taking a break or due to college transfer and my visa is untill 2020.
    Please let me know

  15. Jansen May 3, 2018 at 11:58 PM - Reply


    When i enrolled my school was accredited by ACS.. but then expired and they are applying for it.

    Does it have impact when i apply for 189 visa? Or accreditaion has no relation with 189 visa?

    Thank you

  16. Mohit May 8, 2018 at 11:28 AM - Reply

    I ma doing bachelor of business in deakin is there any chance to get pr

  17. Baran kumar May 13, 2018 at 2:36 PM - Reply

    Hello Stefan,
    This is Baran kumar from Griffith university,Brisbane doing masters of Information Technology first session and wanna know about PR and actually am interested in sports and as well as studies but want to settle in sports I got selected in baseball university nationals representing to my Griffith team and want to go higher level in sports and play further and get pr. Is this a good option, can you please suggest me sir ?

    Thank you

  18. Omid Fathollahnadjarbashi May 14, 2018 at 12:58 PM - Reply

    I am Omid, recently graduated from Deakin uni on my PhD course. I have submitted my EOI and Victorian state sponsorship application on 18th Apr and my EOI score is 70, but not received an invitation letter after 4 weeks yet. Also please note that my assessment org is ACS.
    Any follow up from the state, they apologize and say that there is nothing wrong with your application and it is just a short delay and you will receive it soon.

    DO you have any idea what is the reason behind this delay?

  19. Rohini May 23, 2018 at 9:36 AM - Reply

    Hi My name is Rohini, i want to claim my partners education point’s, we both did bachelors of nursing, did he need to undergo english language test ? Thanks.

  20. pravin May 25, 2018 at 6:27 AM - Reply

    hi please email me the mail id, I would like o clarify my questions please

  21. Sahin May 29, 2018 at 7:09 AM - Reply

    Hi. I have finished project management certificate, and now am studying diploma. Once i finish it too, will i be eligible to claim 5 points?

  22. Jayanti June 13, 2018 at 5:20 PM - Reply

    Hello I would like to know more about the whole process in detail. Can you help me with that? Plz do mail me if you can help me with it?

  23. Raj June 26, 2018 at 9:27 PM - Reply

    If I study masters in either college or university with or without accredition, will eligible for pr??

  24. Hasmeet July 3, 2018 at 2:13 AM - Reply

    Hi I’m Hasmeet I’m currently studying bachelor of engineering science at western Sydney university. I’m in my final year so what should I do to get my PR

  25. Mohammad July 8, 2018 at 6:13 AM - Reply

    Hi Stefan,

    The duration of PhD studies can be considered as experience for point test-skilled PR visa.


  26. Anish karki July 10, 2018 at 2:43 PM - Reply

    Hii stefan im doing master in professional accounting now but my frns are telling me to change the course to IT as accounting is getting hard what do u think i should do

    • STEFAN STINEAN August 23, 2018 at 12:39 AM - Reply

      Dear Anish,

      Thank you for your email.

      Unfortunately, things are not as easy as they would initially seem, to apply for a permanent visa. I suggest getting in touch with a local accredited migration agent, setup an appointment, and ask as many questions as you can, as well as ask the migration agent to build a migration roadmap for you, so you have a guide throughout the next few months/years, of what you can do to increase your chances to apply for a permanent visa. A good migration agent is worth his weight in gold and can save you a lot of money and stress even if they initially charge you for the meeting. It is better to have the correct information at the beginning so you can make informed decisions, rather then blindly spending money on different courses that might not take you where you want to go.

      I hope this advice helps.

      Good luck with all your future endeavours!

      P.S. If you are in need of a course to obtain a particular qualification, we can help. Please get in touch with us and let us know what course are you looking for. I suggest taking this step after talking to a migration agent.

  27. Jennifer July 10, 2018 at 11:55 PM - Reply

    Hi, I’ve got the Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and lodge EOI of 70 points for 189 and 75 points for 190 (QLD nominated). How long is expected for me to receive the invitation? Would it be quicker to obtain an invitation of I apply via a agent? Thanks

    • STEFAN STINEAN August 23, 2018 at 12:38 AM - Reply

      Dear Jennifer,

      Thank you for your email.

      Unfortunately, things are not as easy as they would initially seem, to apply for a permanent visa. I suggest getting in touch with a local accredited migration agent, setup an appointment, and ask as many questions as you can, as well as ask the migration agent to build a migration roadmap for you, so you have a guide throughout the next few months/years, of what you can do to increase your chances to apply for a permanent visa. A good migration agent is worth his weight in gold and can save you a lot of money and stress even if they initially charge you for the meeting. It is better to have the correct information at the beginning so you can make informed decisions, rather then blindly spending money on different courses that might not take you where you want to go.

      I hope this advice helps.

      Good luck with all your future endeavours!

      P.S. If you are in need of a course to obtain a particular qualification, we can help. Please get in touch with us and let us know what course are you looking for. I suggest taking this step after talking to a migration agent.

  28. Zed July 11, 2018 at 9:19 AM - Reply

    Dear sir
    I have some experience in supply chain handling and my degree is an ausi degree of business management. I am thinking of changing my major from business to criminal sciences. Is this a wise decision to get a PR?

    • STEFAN STINEAN August 23, 2018 at 12:37 AM - Reply

      Dear Zed,

      Thank you for your email.

      Unfortunately, things are not as easy as they would initially seem, to apply for a permanent visa. I suggest getting in touch with a local accredited migration agent, setup an appointment, and ask as many questions as you can, as well as ask the migration agent to build a migration roadmap for you, so you have a guide throughout the next few months/years, of what you can do to increase your chances to apply for a permanent visa. A good migration agent is worth his weight in gold and can save you a lot of money and stress even if they initially charge you for the meeting. It is better to have the correct information at the beginning so you can make informed decisions, rather then blindly spending money on different courses that might not take you where you want to go.

      I hope this advice helps.

      Good luck with all your future endeavours!

      P.S. If you are in need of a course to obtain a particular qualification, we can help. Please get in touch with us and let us know what course are you looking for. I suggest taking this step after talking to a migration agent.

  29. roshani July 13, 2018 at 8:47 AM - Reply


    I am Roshani from India. I have done Civil Engineering. My score is as per below;
    Age – 30, Edu – 15, English -10, Work Experience – 5 (3.5 years as a civil engineer & still continue working) = 60
    If I get nomination from NSW – 5 extra points = 60+5 = 65 points in total.(am I eligible???)

    I am still waiting for positive assessment from EA. What are the chances of getting invitation for Sub 190 visa with this score & occupation.

    Please guide.


    • STEFAN STINEAN August 22, 2018 at 2:03 AM - Reply

      Hi Roshani,

      Unfortunately, things are not as easy as they would initially seem, to apply for a permanent visa. I suggest getting in touch with a local accredited migration agent, setup an appointment, and ask as many questions as you can, as well as ask the migration agent to build a migration roadmap for you, so you have a guide throughout the next few months/years, of what you can do to increase your chances to apply for a permanent visa. A good migration agent is worth his weight in gold and can save you a lot of money and stress even if they initially charge you for the meeting. It is better to have the correct information at the beginning so you can make informed decisions, rather then blindly spending money on different courses that might not take you where you want to go.

      I hope this advice helps.

      Good luck with all your future endeavours!

      P.S. If you are in need of a course to obtain a particular qualification, we can help. Please get in touch with us and let us know what course are you looking for. I suggest taking this step after talking to a migration agent.

  30. Pooja July 31, 2018 at 2:18 AM - Reply

    Hi Team,

    I have done my masters here in Sydney in IT for 2 years. And I got employed in January 2018 and my employer is ready to sponsor me. But not sure whether I am eligible or not as I don’t have 3 years of experience. This is my first job.

    If you could guide me under which category I would be able to apply for PR.


    • STEFAN STINEAN August 22, 2018 at 1:59 AM - Reply

      Hi Pooja,

      The best way to find out if you are eligible is to get in touch with an accredited migration agent. A good migration agent can help you build a roadmap for your permanent migration goals.

      I hope this helps.


  31. Anshu Sharma August 6, 2018 at 11:41 PM - Reply

    Hi, This is Anshu. I am student of masters of professional accounting. i want to know in which state of Australia i can get sponsorship of this course? how many maximum points will require to get PR? what is the best way to collect that points? is Melbourne state sponsor this course and will give points of sponsorship and on which conditions?

    • STEFAN STINEAN August 22, 2018 at 1:57 AM - Reply

      Hi Anshu,

      The best approach to this is to get in touch with an accredited migration agent.

      I hope this helps.


  32. SHIVAM TRIVEDI August 7, 2018 at 4:02 AM - Reply


  33. worky Gadaga August 15, 2018 at 3:36 PM - Reply


    my name is Worky. I am an international student studying at Curtin Uni in Perth. I have completed my diploma at Curtin College, and graduated with Diploma of Health Science- Nursing, taking me two years to complete. I came here in july of 2016. I am now doing my Registered Nursing at Curtin Uni, and l am now in my second year.

    i would like to apply for a permanent residency, and any information that can give me the best shot:) Your assistance in this matter is sincerely appreciated.

    • STEFAN STINEAN August 21, 2018 at 9:57 AM - Reply

      Hi Worky,

      The best approach to this is to talk to an accredited migration agent.

  34. Ramandeep kaur September 23, 2018 at 2:26 PM - Reply

    Hi Stefan, Myself Ramandeep Kaur. I am a student of Master of information technology in Perth. Can I know what is English language requirement(PTE or IELTS) for PR? One more thing, how many points I needed for PR.

    • STEFAN STINEAN September 24, 2018 at 2:06 AM - Reply

      Hi Ramandeep,

      The best approach to this is getting in touch with an accredited migration agent.


  35. Andy October 16, 2018 at 4:27 PM - Reply

    Hello Stephan)
    My name is Andy, I have finished a Bachelor course in Biomedical science! It appeared that I need 2 more years of laboratory work experience and to complete AIMS exam to be eligible for PR, before that I cannot even apply!
    But my question is: Can I apply for Student visa again after my Post Study Work Stream Visa! And do I need to return to home to do this or I can apply from Australia?

    • STEFAN STINEAN November 26, 2018 at 12:33 AM - Reply

      Hi Andy,

      Apologies for my late reply. You can certainly apply for a new student visa. Please send us an email at and we can continue the discussion through email.


  36. irfan November 27, 2018 at 9:33 AM - Reply

    Awesome    Study in Australia

  37. Manjot singh April 23, 2019 at 11:11 PM - Reply

    Manjot here.
    Hello sir,
    I am here from india i wanna know what course to opt. As i am studing in last year of intermediate with commerce and computer science i.e IT.
    Please guide me which course would be helpful.
    I would me waiting for your precious reply.
    Thank you

  38. Hazel May 7, 2019 at 8:10 PM - Reply

    I am Hazel Grace. I am a high school student who have just got 92% in commerce stream in grade 12. I want to know whether i should further go with commerce only> like does people with commerce land permanent residency and permanent jobs or should i take nursing instead to get pr? Which is better?

  39. Hazel May 7, 2019 at 8:12 PM - Reply

    Hi i have just completed my grade 12 in commerce with 92% and i want to know whether i should continue commerce to land pr and permanent job in Australia? or should i switch to nursing
    And if commerce what are the best jobs with good pay and pr scope

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